Paint mixing

For this practice exercise I used the dropper tool to mix paint swatches. In order to achieve the best mix I lowered the flow of the brush to about 50%. This effectively made the amount on the brush less and easier to mix.

Practice with basic brushes

For this exercise I used a hard round brush, a soft round brush, and a hard flat brush. Upper row: I used the shift key to draw straight vertical lines of differing sizes. Middle row: I practiced differing pressures with the pen tool. Going from light pressure to hard pressure all in one stroke. Bottom row: Practiced shift+click resulting in straight lines not bound to the vertical or horizontal axis.


Map style mountains

Village attempt

My attempt at a little world building

Messing around with brushes in PS

First crack at photoshop

Traveller's Collective (day number 1 again)

I am currently participating in a DnD game and this is the logo I came up for our adventuring party.

Nose study / Day 4

Noses in draft pencil

Eye study

Still learning how to choose the damn brushes.

A very silly orange

Attempts at shading

Barbarian clone

Playing around with cloning, tracing, and water colors.